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Sony Europe Pushes PSP With Free Platinum Hits

SCEE has just confirmed to Siliconera that two new platinum PSP bundles will retail in Europe, details of which are as follows:

PSP 3000 bundle: £149.99 with 2 x platinum games free of charge

PSP 2000 bundle: £139.99 with 2 x platinum games for £10 (RRP of PSP 2000 solus is £129.99)

Specific titles were not mentioned, but a quick check on the USK has ratings for “PSP Platinum Bundle: Lemmings + LocoRoco” and “PSP Platinum Bundle: Tekken: Dark Resurrection + Ridge Racer 2″. Unfortunately SCEE did not confirm when these bundles are due to go on sale, but it’s a pretty safe assumption that it will be in time for the Christmas holiday period. The 3000 bundle looks particularly appealing, with this model of PSP housing a sharper screen display. Now there’s just the matter of figuring out how to trade in a worn old model for this bundle…

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