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PSP Homebrew – Dualboot PSP

Flomito and Mickael2054 make a tandem for this homebrew project, DualBoot PSP. It is a utility which allows out to start via XMB, without homebrew (although not really, they say). With a prx of autoboot, you can then choose to do several things:

Launch a Homebrew (3 max), you can save them for no longer having to retype their way.
Launch Internet Browser
The USB mode, flash0, flash1, flash 2, flash3, UMD and Memory Stick
See credits
Parameters: Delete HBs record, change the background color, change the color of the two fonts, CPU speed, Format flash1: / Clean RAM Test your keys
Pause PSP
Turn off the PSP
Return to XMB
See the percentage of loading your battery
The grapismes Menu Recovery



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